One thing’s for sure, the bulk of the porn industry people are not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. Let’s face it, it’s the absolute exception that someone wants to be involved in porn when they are actually really intelligent.
The evidence so often lies in the names of porn sites and this one is one of my recent favourites. This is actually the name of the network if I’m not mistaken and they call themselves Elegant Angel. The first pic I see when I take a closer look is the one I posted up here, a chick getting fingered while riding a cock in a her ass. Absolutely angelic as her sweat drenched hair sticks to her shoulder accentuating her equally sweaty fake tits… elegantly of course.
The site is great though. Maybe they’re bunch of dumb fucks and maybe they’re not and that’s not even relevant since they make damn good porn and that’s what it’s all about after all.
They are also offering a fantastic deal and you can get in on this discount to Elegant Angel for 76% off.